RIP The Creator of Dragon Ball Z

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,

Had to jump on here really quick.

I want to pay tribute to the legendary Toriyama sensei. I am very saddened by the loss of someone iconic and legendary as Toriyama.

Growing up Dragon Ball Z was something I shared with my brother. My first introduction was in fact the video game of DBZ released for Playstation 2. You could say it was one of my very first anime’s. Other than Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon. Eventually following those was One Piece.

Which lead me to finding and watching the anime. Honestly I can still remember my brother and a friend of his messing around and imitating Goku and his Kamehameha. Just two boys being dorks.

Also hearing how Toriyama inspired a few of my favorite series growing up is awesome. I remember watching One Piece growing up and it was the crappy 4Kids rendition. I didn’t get to watch Bleach till I was well into high school. I am so thankful that Toriyama helped save Bleach from being canceled. He seen something special. To this day it is one of my all time favorite animes alongside DBZ and One Piece. Also didn’t watch Naruto till I was much older. Around the time Shippuden was still being released and very popular.

I had seen little bits and pieces of Dragon Quest. I looked at it and it reminded me of Dragon Ball Z in a weird way. I had no idea Toriyama sensei helped with that game.

My favorite of the DBZ franchise is Dragon Ball GT. Even if people hate it I love that series of DBZ. It’s a masterpiece and doesn’t get enough credit. Yes Toriyama did work on it and he did intend for it to stray from the original DBZ.

He had such a huge impact on the manga and anime industry. Without him it wouldn’t be where it is today and loved by so many. Now people are more willing to say they love anime. Unfortunately my parents still find it odd I’m watching “cartoons”. They don’t know its not cartoons but it’s art being turned into animation.

We will miss you Toriyama. Don’t worry Goku and the other DBZ characters will always live on in my heart. There is a special place for the series in my heart.

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