In the last episode Kufa was sent to observe Melida and to see if her mana would awaken. Unfortunately it has not and then some creatures attacked Melida. Kufa was originally sent to assassinate her if she could not awaken her mana. He then decided to disobey orders and stepped in to protect her and ask that she entrust her life in his hands. He then helps her to awaken her mana by giving some of his mana to her which is breaking the law. Are you guys ready for a new episode and review?

I won’t lie this anime is kinda of growing on me but it really does remind me of SAO but more of a female cast. Or is it only me? So Melida becomes Kufa’s pupil and has attained the class of Samurai just like Kufa because he shared his mana with her. Now the day has come where Melida is going to be put to the test and to show if she can manifest her mana. Kufa said as much as she has trained she can only manifest about half her mana. I wonder how the tournament will end and will Melida win and without exposing Kufa for sharing his mana with her?

But I must say there is quite the drama going on before the tournament and honestly it’s pretty mean. Crap is going down and Melida is kicking butt and can you tell who I am rooting for to win? It’s a pretty easy guess. Melida exceeded Kufa’s expectations of her and now she looks so happy. Am I sensing a budding romance that we don’t know about yet? Alright guys let me know what you think in the comments below. That is it for this review please stay safe out there and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see all you in the next review so au revoir for now till next time.


Alright is everyone ready for a new review of a new anime? Well new to me at least right? This anime started airing in the Fall of 2019. Oh sweet 2019 how I wish it were still 2019. Anyways I am eager to get into this anime, how about all of you? Let’s begin! Alright so we have some fighting going on and I am guessing this is going to lead into the plot somehow? In a weird way it reminds of Sword Art Online it just has that vibe and then the guy wearing a similar outfit. I mean what’s up with that?

I feel I am watching a lot of anime and some are subtly using SAO without it actually breaking copyright laws. A long time ago when I went to this author (some best selling authors were there). One author admitted that a lot of other authors use other’s authors story lines but tweak them to make them their own. I feel like that’s what they also do with anime these days. Alright back to the show, I am sure you’ve had enough of me gabbing and going on and on.

So we have an anime that deals with mana. I think I need to find new anime after this series. Maybe change things up? What do you think? So the world exists in a kind of like a candelabra type thing? Aww there was a hurt kitty but he helped it and fixed its wound. I think I might already like this guy. The voice actor of Melida she also does Wendy from Fairy Tail. Kufa discusses how Melida can not hold or use mana. I wonder what he will do about it? Kufa is now talking about assassinating her, I wonder how this all will end? Melida is being chased by something but what is it?

Melida is finally cornered and is trying to fight of the things. Kufa then remembers that her grandfather has been putting pressure on her. Trying to force her to awaken her mana, what will Kufa do? Kufa ends up helping and saving Melida and so now what will he do? Will Kufa kill and assasinate her or stay and try to help her awaken her mana? Kufa then asks Melida to entrust her life in his hands and to call out whenever she needs help. Well that is all for this episode and review and so please come back for the next one. Until then keep watching anime and reading manga and be safe everyone. I will see all of you in the next review and au revoir for now.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #12) (Final)

Alright here we are with the final review of this anime. I won’t lie this anime has really grown on me and I am sad to see it end. But they have been in space for so long it’s time for them to return home and make their parents pay. Are you guys ready for the final review and episode? Let’s recap before we get down to business.

In the last episode we finally learn who the culprit is and who broke the communicator. The culprit then says everyone was right about the whole scheme their parents came up with. The parents wanted them dead and the culprit was to die alongside them. Also someone with higher power also ordered and it made them happy to hear that order. Then a big secret is revealed about Aries and it turns out she is also a clone but is related to the same person as the culprit. The same one who ordered them to kill everyone. Then the culprit pulls out another worm hole device. Kanata then steps in to stop him and then his arm gets caught in the process. The culprit turns off the device and then Kanata loses his arm.

Now that we’ve recapped everything from the last episode let’s get into the final episode and review.

Quitterie operated on Kanata as best as she could and managed to get him stable. The culprit then tells Zack to lock him up and then call the police and report him. Then Kanata appears and tells them no and it was his choice and he lost his arm because of it. Then he also says their is a choice to be made here and they need to decide. They finally got enough supplies and are going to leave the current planet behind. Now their final stop is Astra which is home and they can make their parents pay for everything. The culprit is now going to tell the truth about everything including the planet they call home.

The worm hole technology was released to the public and then war broke out and people began using it the wrong way. Everyone is learning that the higher ups rolled back the calendar. They just told people lies and then they believed them and the higher ups covered up history. Everyone estimated the year to be 2163 so Paulina actually slept for 112 years. They came up with a plan to send all the pictures and everything to Aries mom.

Then hopefully she was able to get into contact with a guy that worked with Ulgars older brother. All the originals were arrested and they were welcomed home by the government. The group finally made it home at last and now they are going to tell the truth about everything and embrace it. Seven years later Kanata, Zack and Charce are going back into space. Everyone in the group grew up and graduated high school and Paulina is teaching. The two people I shipped together well they decided to get married. I am so excited about that but I am sad that this series is coming to an end.

The episode ends with Kanata, Zack and Charce going off into space and then into a worm hole and going into the depths of space. I am sad to see this series end I can only hope there will be another season someday. I would really like to see all the planets they go to. I also want to see Kanata get married and have kids etc, would you guys want to see something like that to? Anyways that is all for this anime and review, I will hopefully have some new anime and reviews this week. Thank you for reading and following along as I watched this series. Stay safe everyone and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see you all in the next review and au revoir for now.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #11)

A little recap before we get into this new episode and review.

We finally found who the culprit is and who broke the communicator at the beginning. They are also the king of clones and have always known they were a clone. I wonder what is going to happen in todays episode? Let’s get to it shall we? What will Kanata and the others do with the culprit? What will happen to them? So the culprit reveals a big secret about Aries and it explains why the culprit was also trying to kill her.

Kanata then goes and tries to change the culprits mind and asking why did they try and kill everyone? They told everyone that someone with power ordered it and told them to die with everyone. Which made them happy to hear and then they pull out a second worm hole device. They try to go into the worm hole but Kanata stops them and then loses his arm in the process.

Now all the pieces are falling into place and loose ends are getting tied up. What are your thoughts on this anime? The next review will be the final one of this series. I can only hope there will be a second season. If not then I will buy the manga and read on from there if the story continues after episode 12. Well stay safe everyone and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see you in the next review and au revoir for now.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #10)

It’s time for another review of this anime, are you guys ready?

A little recap before we get into this new review and episode.

Everyone found out they are a clone of their parents and have decided to do something about it. So Zack and Quitterie have announced they are engaged and getting married. They only have one more stop before they arrive home and everyone is getting excited. I can’t shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen and soon. Alright that is the end of the recap. Let’s get into this new episode and review.

Polina just noticed that the planet she sees is not planet Earth but its Astra. She then says that is not Earth. What is going on? They realize their histories are different and some countries don’t exist. They don’t even know what or who God is. They have found an even bigger mystery. I wonder how will this all play out in the last two episodes. I also wonder what will become of Polina when she goes to Astra.

Seems like Kanata might know who the culprit is. This has been a big mystery since the show began and I wonder who it is? Now we finally know who it is, but I am not going to tell you. I don’t want to spoil this anime in case someone really wants to watch it. Sorry you will have to watch it for yourself to find out who it is. The culprit is also the same person who destroyed the communicator at the beginning of the journey.

The culprit is the king of clones wow I am shocked. If you really want to spoil things then you can google it or search for yourself. But I won’t be the one to ruin it for everyone if that’s okay? Anyways that is all for this review and episode. I wonder what will happen in the next episode? Alright guys be safe and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see all of you in the next review and au revoir for now.