More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers

Hello Everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend so far and hope Sunday is just as good. Hate to say it but tomorrow is Monday and a work day for me. I am sad.

By the way I was surprised that Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury ended the way it did. They ended it with a cliffhanger -_-. Now I have to wait till possibly April for the second season to release *sigh*.

So I found this anime on Crunchyroll and thought I would give it a watch and a chance and see what it’s all about.

Honestly I am liking it so far and will probably finish it.

You have the main guy who runs into this girl but the catch is he doesn’t like her and she doesn’t like him. She wants to be paired up with someone else and so does he. So they are working on getting to a certain rank and then changing partners.

This is a school assignment and if they don’t complete it then they wont be able to graduate. So this project the school randomly pairs up a guy and a girl and they have to act like a married couple. If they act negatively or don’t get along they lose points. If they are couple like and get along they gain points.

The main guy wants to be partnered with his childhood best friend and his first love and she wants to be partnered with a hot guy she has a crush on.

Alright let’s get into episode two.

While Jiro who is our main character guy is cleaning the bathroom he falls ill. Watanabe sends Shiori to his rescue and to help him get better. Which comes to a shock to Jiro who was not expecting her. He also thought Watanabe might be coming home early but she didn’t. Watanabe then wakes Jiro up from his slumber and wants him to watch a horror movie late at night. Then the power gets knocked out and Watanabe gets scared and jumps on Jiro. Oh yeah Jiro is also a virgin. Shiori and her partner and ranked as an E rank and Jiro and Watanabe are a B rank. A flashback to when Shiori and Jiro were little and in middle school. Jiro was going to confess to Shiori and that he loved her and then she asked if they would always be friends. Then Jiro gives Shiori advice and tells her that she can make a great wife. Jiro then tells Watanabe that he will be the best husband and help things work out between Shiori’s partner. This leaves her feeling angry for some reason. Is she falling for Jiro?

Next episode which is episode three.

Watanabe is wanting to make Shiori’s partner lunch and take it to him. Watanabe wants another kiss but they are interrupted by Shiori. Then Shiori tells Jiro and Watanabe that her partner requested apple pie. Then it puts her into a bad mood. Watanabe then tries to put the moves onto Jiro. Which leads to a downfall into their unofficial marriage. Shiori then has a talk with Jiro about Watanabe and tells him to talk to her. He knocks on her door and then proceeds to apologize and he wants to go back to normal again. Now they are back to being a married couple. Watanabe admits to liking Jiro. But what does this spell out for Shiori’s partner that she has a crush on? Guess we will see what happens in the next episode.

So my internet went down and I just finished watching this series. I used my phone lol. Don’t mind the typo and grammar errors. Anyways this anime was really good and I am sad there will be no more episodes. I won’t spoil the ending. So you will have to watch it to find out. I might read the manga later we’ll see. If I do I’ll let you know. This anime pulled at my heart strings.

It also had me laughing and sometimes I wanted to look away. But I couldn’t because it was good. Like when you have the oh no moments and want to look away. Yeah I had a few of those while watching. But I finished this anime and loved it.

It was definitely different from others that I have watched. Anyways you can find this anime on Crunchyroll. Please watch responsibly. If you want to know how it all ends then watch it and find out. When you want to watch anime please use Crunchyroll for all your needs. They are legitimate and not illegal. I will admit I am a subscriber to their service for the premium service. It’s less than $13.00 a month. I get ad free anime and I love it! At least for US users. This blog and podcast are not sponsored or affiliated to Crunchyroll.

Anyways hope you have a good rest of your Sunday and be safe. Hope Monday won’t be crazy for everyone either. Alright guys don’t do anything crazy. Catch you all on the flipside. Till next time au revoir everyone!

Somali and the Forest Spirit (Review)

Hello everyone!

I am here with another review and this time I am doing a review on, Somali and the Forest Spirit. This anime looked good, and I hope it is.

Just a heads up I will not be telling how it ends in this review. If you want to know then you will have to watch it. You can find this anime on your
local Crunchyroll. I love my ad-free anime and if you do then subscribe.
today! This blog and podcast are not affiliated with Crunchyroll and or sponsored.
by them.

All right let us get into this anime review, shall we?

My first thoughts of this anime just seeing the photo. It got me curious and
I am hoping it will be good and live up to my expectations. I hope anyways lol.

Episode 1: Journeying Parent and Child

I think I am going to like this anime. The graphics are beautiful. I know I
am still on the first episode. But this anime is going to be special.
All right let us keep watching. There is a Golem (if you do not know what it is
then please Google.) and he comes across a child. Then they set out on a
journey together. The Golem learns to hold hands with Somali. Somali admits she
likes to hold his hand. Well, episode one is done and in the books. Onto the
next episode!

Episode 2: Edible Herbs and the Oni's Dwelling

Here we are with episode two. Let us start watching. The Golem and Somali run
into an Oni. Somali needs some medical treatment as she injured her knee while.
running. They then go back to 
Oni's place. She gets treated for her wound.
Then she helps Oni's assistant with chores. While Somali is asleep, the Golem.
the Oni and his assistant his body. He reveals that his body is.
deteriorating as he has lived 998 years. The Golem's lifespan is one thousand years. As
soon as he hits one thousand years he will die. So, this journey is to say goodbye. Now
onto episode three!

Episode 3: The Sea at the Bottom of the Cave

Somali realizes Golem is working so hard so they can finish their journey.
It then makes her sad and she starts to cry. Her new friend then mentions.
something about a special flower. They go searching and she finds it but almost
gets eaten by a creature. Then someone steps in but 
are she safe? Well,
that was it for episode three. Now onto episode four.

Episode 4: The Wishing Flower and the Promise Request

I am 
liking this anime so far and I am glad I decided to watch it.
All right let us get into episode four. Somali and her newfound friend adventure
underground. When they encounter danger but are saved by another. She wishes to
proceed and get a wishing flower. In hopes of wishing to be able to travel with
her father forever. She then falls ill, and Golem seeks medicine for her. Which?
then puts their journey behind them a little.

Episode 5: The Wandering Birds

Somali and Golem have found new traveling companions. One is secretly a
human. While in a cave one then tries to murder Somali to save 
another human. Will she survive? I am eager to watch the next episode! Episode
Five completed. Now onto the next! Cannot wait to see what happens next.

Episode 6: Dying Flowers Look Up at the Birds

We have reached episode six. Somali's new friend apologizes for trying to kill her.
her. Her friend then learns that her father killed her mother. He told her that.
her mother had died from an illness, but he ate her. He then tries to
sacrifice himself after she hears the truth. They then makeup and she forgives.
him. What will happen next? I am wishing this anime were not going to end on the
12th episode.

Episode 7: The Footsteps That Stalk the Witches

5 more episodes to go after I finish this one. Sadly, we are coming to an end
with this anime. I have grown fond of it to be and have grown attached to the
characters. All right let us get to watch this episode. Golem and Somali have
departed ways with their traveling companions. Now they are on the road again just.
the two of them. They are in search of a village that has a wealth of
information. It could help with their search for humans. They reach the library.
where the information they need is being held. But then as they find the book.
A beast destroys it. Making the book unreadable. Will they be able to?
continue their journey?

Episode 8: Meetings and Bonds Prayed For

They managed to find someone who last read the book. Who turns out to be the
head librarian and the author of the book. She then tells the story of the
book. Who was her ancestor? The ancestor requested her story never be written.
in a book. But the head librarian went against her wishes and did it anyway.
Which lead to the destruction of humans. After retelling the tale, she asked
Somali to come near her. She grabs for her hands and a bond is made. Then she
went peacefully on her way. Now with a new lead Somali and Golem are on their
way to a new location. Will they make it in time? Well, episode eight is completed.
and onto the next.

Episode 9: Memories of Minor Days

Golem and Somali find a tapper cabin and get out of the rain. Then some
strangers start knocking on the door. Golem opens the door and realizes it is Oni.
and his assistant. He welcomes them in. Somali has discovered she is losing a
tooth. Which puts her into a panic and frightens her. She tries to keep it a
secret but then it pops out when she trips. She then loses her baby tooth.
They go to a local dentist and learn it was just a baby tooth. All her teeth
are perfect. During this episode, Somali reflects on memories. She tells.
Golem is lucky to have him as a father. Later Golem reflects and tells Oni.
he stopped being a guardian of the forest. But then he became her protector.
Only three more episodes left and then this anime is done. I am sad I
will not lie. I really do love and like this anime. I will rewatch it someday.
Well onto the next episode!

Episode 10: The Infant Child and the Green Fortress

Golem is reminiscing about when he first found Somali. At first, he told her to
stop following him. But she continued. Finally, he broke down and started to
care for her. He saved her from drowning. Then they started on their journey.
He tells Oni how he gave her his name. Also tells him that she has been calling him.
father from the start. The innkeeper’s wife drops by. Then she learns she is a
human and tells some other thugs. There is trouble brewing and Somali is not.
safe. Will both make it out alive? Find out in the next episode.

Episode 11: Those Who Protect and Those Who Threaten

Somali, Oni, and Golem have all been lured into a trap by the innkeeper's
wife. Suddenly Golem loses his left arm. He watches as they tear Somali away.
from him. Then he rises and something is off with him. He is different. Will
they both survive? Or will all be lost?

Episode 12: Bonded Father and Child

Alas, we have reached the final episode of this anime. It is bittersweet it is.
ending and I am sad, to be honest. I have grown to love this anime and don't want.
it to end so soon. Sorry, I am not going to reveal the end. I know I am mean and
a tease for not giving you the ending. If you want to know how it all ends.
Watch it and it's worth it, I promise. Thanks for joining me on another review.
Cannot wait to find another anime to watch. Until the next review is safe and
stay out of trouble Eugene. Just kidding as always see you in the next review,
au revoir for now. Peace.

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury

Hey guys!

It’s been awhile since I posted on here and the podcast. I work a 9 to 5 job. My weekends are spent decompressing and working on art etc. It leaves me little time to work on the blog these days.

I started this blog because at the time I had nothing to do minus college. So I didn’t really have a bedtime to worry about lol. I wish the days were simpler. Then I could dedicate more time to this blog.

Anyways I have been watching the new Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury.

I’m surprised it’s actually good and some things did surprise me. If you haven’t seen it go and watch it. You won’t regret it. I won’t give out to many spoilers.

Our main character is a girl and escapes her fate with her mother in a Gundam. She has given the Gundam a name and its name is Aerial. While escaping she loses her father. Her mother sends her to a school where mobile suits are the main subject. Upon arriving our main character sees someone outside. She then goes and rescues them. The rescued is not happy.

Then she is on the grounds and runs into the person she rescued. Now we introduce our other main character. Who is a bit feisty and shockingly the main characters bride. Before that our main character follows the rescued to a greenhouse. Then a man who is her fiancé begins trashing it out of anger. As the rescued tried to escape and embarrassed him. Our main hero steps in and slaps him. Then he wishes to duel our hero.

She accepts. Then the rescued shows up using Aerial. Our hero is not happy. Then the hero single handedly beat the guy. Which then our hero became engaged to the rescued. I think that is the main part that shocked me. I was not expecting that or prepared for it. I’m used to watching the other Gundam animes out there. But those do not inflict pain on the person operating the Gundam.

Honestly I am not to sure I like the idea of a Gundam inflicting pain on the pilot. In some ways it reminds me of Kakumeiki Valvrave. But the Gundam is not a vampire so to speak.

Another theme I am noticing as well is how disposable a person is. At least to certain adults in this show they mercilessly destroy those who cannot follow orders. I am not to sure if I like that either. Honestly I throughly enjoyed Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny, Gundam 00 (and its second season), Gundam Age, and Gundam: G no Reconguista. Iron Blooded Orphan wasn’t bad but I don’t think I’d watch it again. But for the sake of the blog I will keep watching this anime. It’s not bad I like it in some ways. Graphics and animation are smooth. Characters are interesting and unique in there own ways.

If you want to find out how this anime ends then you will have to watch it. Please use your local Crunchyroll for your anime streaming needs. It’s worth it to become a member as it helps the anime community thrive. It also helps anime creators receive the money they deserve. No I am not sponsored by them.

Anyways that is all for this post till next time. Au revoir and catch you on the flipside. Stay cool and be awesome!