Astra Lost In Space (Review #10)

It’s time for another review of this anime, are you guys ready?

A little recap before we get into this new review and episode.

Everyone found out they are a clone of their parents and have decided to do something about it. So Zack and Quitterie have announced they are engaged and getting married. They only have one more stop before they arrive home and everyone is getting excited. I can’t shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen and soon. Alright that is the end of the recap. Let’s get into this new episode and review.

Polina just noticed that the planet she sees is not planet Earth but its Astra. She then says that is not Earth. What is going on? They realize their histories are different and some countries don’t exist. They don’t even know what or who God is. They have found an even bigger mystery. I wonder how will this all play out in the last two episodes. I also wonder what will become of Polina when she goes to Astra.

Seems like Kanata might know who the culprit is. This has been a big mystery since the show began and I wonder who it is? Now we finally know who it is, but I am not going to tell you. I don’t want to spoil this anime in case someone really wants to watch it. Sorry you will have to watch it for yourself to find out who it is. The culprit is also the same person who destroyed the communicator at the beginning of the journey.

The culprit is the king of clones wow I am shocked. If you really want to spoil things then you can google it or search for yourself. But I won’t be the one to ruin it for everyone if that’s okay? Anyways that is all for this review and episode. I wonder what will happen in the next episode? Alright guys be safe and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see all of you in the next review and au revoir for now.