I Guess I Became the Mother of the Great Demon King’s 10 Children in Another World (Manga Only)


This review may contain adult material and not suitable for anyone under 16 years of age. Discretion has been advised.

If you are 16+ of age then I got a Manga review for you. Normally I don’t do Manga reviews but this one is pretty good. So I found this Manga by accident while watching YouTube of all places. I will not disclose the YouTubers account name sorry. You can buy this Manga series on Kodansha. They have all the volumes available to buy. The first volume is only $4.00. Which is a steal because this Manga is really good and worth it.

I became interested and have bought two volumes so far. I will be getting the others soon. This Manga is still ongoing as far as I know. The publisher of this company is Kodansha. Which you may not know but has produced great Manga and anime. One of the widely popular and notable one is Attack On Titan.

Anyways as you know being transported to another world is on the rise in the anime/manga community. Which is really cool but sometimes it’s a little repetitive. Yet with this one I’m drawn in and can’t stop reading. You have a hero as with most stories but it gets interesting. Then you have the demon king who is the villain right?

Wrong the demon king is not the villain but if you want to know who is then you’ll have buy and read the manga. The hero is not you’re usual garden variety hero. He’s different and has his own style. Also may come of as clueless and falling into holes and traps easily. Then you have the main female character. Who has faced a huge tragedy and is addicted to games. But her wish to become a woman gets her summoned to another world.

This Manga will have you laughing in tears. I am hoping they will make this into an anime. As it would be really cool if they did and I wouldn’t definitely watch. I’ll probably die with how much laughing it will induce.

Anyways I am still reading the Manga so I will be back to update this post once I’ve finished it. If you would like to buy your own copy then please head over to Kodansha and buy it today and its digital only. It is also on Amazon as well but digital only.

I look forward to catching up with you guys soon! Au revoir for now till the next post. Catch everyone on the flipside! Peace.

More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers

Hello Everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend so far and hope Sunday is just as good. Hate to say it but tomorrow is Monday and a work day for me. I am sad.

By the way I was surprised that Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury ended the way it did. They ended it with a cliffhanger -_-. Now I have to wait till possibly April for the second season to release *sigh*.

So I found this anime on Crunchyroll and thought I would give it a watch and a chance and see what it’s all about.

Honestly I am liking it so far and will probably finish it.

You have the main guy who runs into this girl but the catch is he doesn’t like her and she doesn’t like him. She wants to be paired up with someone else and so does he. So they are working on getting to a certain rank and then changing partners.

This is a school assignment and if they don’t complete it then they wont be able to graduate. So this project the school randomly pairs up a guy and a girl and they have to act like a married couple. If they act negatively or don’t get along they lose points. If they are couple like and get along they gain points.

The main guy wants to be partnered with his childhood best friend and his first love and she wants to be partnered with a hot guy she has a crush on.

Alright let’s get into episode two.

While Jiro who is our main character guy is cleaning the bathroom he falls ill. Watanabe sends Shiori to his rescue and to help him get better. Which comes to a shock to Jiro who was not expecting her. He also thought Watanabe might be coming home early but she didn’t. Watanabe then wakes Jiro up from his slumber and wants him to watch a horror movie late at night. Then the power gets knocked out and Watanabe gets scared and jumps on Jiro. Oh yeah Jiro is also a virgin. Shiori and her partner and ranked as an E rank and Jiro and Watanabe are a B rank. A flashback to when Shiori and Jiro were little and in middle school. Jiro was going to confess to Shiori and that he loved her and then she asked if they would always be friends. Then Jiro gives Shiori advice and tells her that she can make a great wife. Jiro then tells Watanabe that he will be the best husband and help things work out between Shiori’s partner. This leaves her feeling angry for some reason. Is she falling for Jiro?

Next episode which is episode three.

Watanabe is wanting to make Shiori’s partner lunch and take it to him. Watanabe wants another kiss but they are interrupted by Shiori. Then Shiori tells Jiro and Watanabe that her partner requested apple pie. Then it puts her into a bad mood. Watanabe then tries to put the moves onto Jiro. Which leads to a downfall into their unofficial marriage. Shiori then has a talk with Jiro about Watanabe and tells him to talk to her. He knocks on her door and then proceeds to apologize and he wants to go back to normal again. Now they are back to being a married couple. Watanabe admits to liking Jiro. But what does this spell out for Shiori’s partner that she has a crush on? Guess we will see what happens in the next episode.

So my internet went down and I just finished watching this series. I used my phone lol. Don’t mind the typo and grammar errors. Anyways this anime was really good and I am sad there will be no more episodes. I won’t spoil the ending. So you will have to watch it to find out. I might read the manga later we’ll see. If I do I’ll let you know. This anime pulled at my heart strings.

It also had me laughing and sometimes I wanted to look away. But I couldn’t because it was good. Like when you have the oh no moments and want to look away. Yeah I had a few of those while watching. But I finished this anime and loved it.

It was definitely different from others that I have watched. Anyways you can find this anime on Crunchyroll. Please watch responsibly. If you want to know how it all ends then watch it and find out. When you want to watch anime please use Crunchyroll for all your needs. They are legitimate and not illegal. I will admit I am a subscriber to their service for the premium service. It’s less than $13.00 a month. I get ad free anime and I love it! At least for US users. This blog and podcast are not sponsored or affiliated to Crunchyroll.

Anyways hope you have a good rest of your Sunday and be safe. Hope Monday won’t be crazy for everyone either. Alright guys don’t do anything crazy. Catch you all on the flipside. Till next time au revoir everyone!


In the last episode Kufa was sent to observe Melida and to see if her mana would awaken. Unfortunately it has not and then some creatures attacked Melida. Kufa was originally sent to assassinate her if she could not awaken her mana. He then decided to disobey orders and stepped in to protect her and ask that she entrust her life in his hands. He then helps her to awaken her mana by giving some of his mana to her which is breaking the law. Are you guys ready for a new episode and review?

I won’t lie this anime is kinda of growing on me but it really does remind me of SAO but more of a female cast. Or is it only me? So Melida becomes Kufa’s pupil and has attained the class of Samurai just like Kufa because he shared his mana with her. Now the day has come where Melida is going to be put to the test and to show if she can manifest her mana. Kufa said as much as she has trained she can only manifest about half her mana. I wonder how the tournament will end and will Melida win and without exposing Kufa for sharing his mana with her?

But I must say there is quite the drama going on before the tournament and honestly it’s pretty mean. Crap is going down and Melida is kicking butt and can you tell who I am rooting for to win? It’s a pretty easy guess. Melida exceeded Kufa’s expectations of her and now she looks so happy. Am I sensing a budding romance that we don’t know about yet? Alright guys let me know what you think in the comments below. That is it for this review please stay safe out there and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see all you in the next review so au revoir for now till next time.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #12) (Final)

Alright here we are with the final review of this anime. I won’t lie this anime has really grown on me and I am sad to see it end. But they have been in space for so long it’s time for them to return home and make their parents pay. Are you guys ready for the final review and episode? Let’s recap before we get down to business.

In the last episode we finally learn who the culprit is and who broke the communicator. The culprit then says everyone was right about the whole scheme their parents came up with. The parents wanted them dead and the culprit was to die alongside them. Also someone with higher power also ordered and it made them happy to hear that order. Then a big secret is revealed about Aries and it turns out she is also a clone but is related to the same person as the culprit. The same one who ordered them to kill everyone. Then the culprit pulls out another worm hole device. Kanata then steps in to stop him and then his arm gets caught in the process. The culprit turns off the device and then Kanata loses his arm.

Now that we’ve recapped everything from the last episode let’s get into the final episode and review.

Quitterie operated on Kanata as best as she could and managed to get him stable. The culprit then tells Zack to lock him up and then call the police and report him. Then Kanata appears and tells them no and it was his choice and he lost his arm because of it. Then he also says their is a choice to be made here and they need to decide. They finally got enough supplies and are going to leave the current planet behind. Now their final stop is Astra which is home and they can make their parents pay for everything. The culprit is now going to tell the truth about everything including the planet they call home.

The worm hole technology was released to the public and then war broke out and people began using it the wrong way. Everyone is learning that the higher ups rolled back the calendar. They just told people lies and then they believed them and the higher ups covered up history. Everyone estimated the year to be 2163 so Paulina actually slept for 112 years. They came up with a plan to send all the pictures and everything to Aries mom.

Then hopefully she was able to get into contact with a guy that worked with Ulgars older brother. All the originals were arrested and they were welcomed home by the government. The group finally made it home at last and now they are going to tell the truth about everything and embrace it. Seven years later Kanata, Zack and Charce are going back into space. Everyone in the group grew up and graduated high school and Paulina is teaching. The two people I shipped together well they decided to get married. I am so excited about that but I am sad that this series is coming to an end.

The episode ends with Kanata, Zack and Charce going off into space and then into a worm hole and going into the depths of space. I am sad to see this series end I can only hope there will be another season someday. I would really like to see all the planets they go to. I also want to see Kanata get married and have kids etc, would you guys want to see something like that to? Anyways that is all for this anime and review, I will hopefully have some new anime and reviews this week. Thank you for reading and following along as I watched this series. Stay safe everyone and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see you all in the next review and au revoir for now.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #11)

A little recap before we get into this new episode and review.

We finally found who the culprit is and who broke the communicator at the beginning. They are also the king of clones and have always known they were a clone. I wonder what is going to happen in todays episode? Let’s get to it shall we? What will Kanata and the others do with the culprit? What will happen to them? So the culprit reveals a big secret about Aries and it explains why the culprit was also trying to kill her.

Kanata then goes and tries to change the culprits mind and asking why did they try and kill everyone? They told everyone that someone with power ordered it and told them to die with everyone. Which made them happy to hear and then they pull out a second worm hole device. They try to go into the worm hole but Kanata stops them and then loses his arm in the process.

Now all the pieces are falling into place and loose ends are getting tied up. What are your thoughts on this anime? The next review will be the final one of this series. I can only hope there will be a second season. If not then I will buy the manga and read on from there if the story continues after episode 12. Well stay safe everyone and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see you in the next review and au revoir for now.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #10)

It’s time for another review of this anime, are you guys ready?

A little recap before we get into this new review and episode.

Everyone found out they are a clone of their parents and have decided to do something about it. So Zack and Quitterie have announced they are engaged and getting married. They only have one more stop before they arrive home and everyone is getting excited. I can’t shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen and soon. Alright that is the end of the recap. Let’s get into this new episode and review.

Polina just noticed that the planet she sees is not planet Earth but its Astra. She then says that is not Earth. What is going on? They realize their histories are different and some countries don’t exist. They don’t even know what or who God is. They have found an even bigger mystery. I wonder how will this all play out in the last two episodes. I also wonder what will become of Polina when she goes to Astra.

Seems like Kanata might know who the culprit is. This has been a big mystery since the show began and I wonder who it is? Now we finally know who it is, but I am not going to tell you. I don’t want to spoil this anime in case someone really wants to watch it. Sorry you will have to watch it for yourself to find out who it is. The culprit is also the same person who destroyed the communicator at the beginning of the journey.

The culprit is the king of clones wow I am shocked. If you really want to spoil things then you can google it or search for yourself. But I won’t be the one to ruin it for everyone if that’s okay? Anyways that is all for this review and episode. I wonder what will happen in the next episode? Alright guys be safe and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see all of you in the next review and au revoir for now.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #9)

It’s time for another review of this anime, are you ready? Let’s recap a little bit in case you didn’t read the other review. In the last episode the crew thought, they were going to be stranded forever on the last planet. Then they came across another ship that was similar to theirs but older. Then Ulgar, Zack and Kanata decided to board the ship and to investigate.

They then found a message asking for help and someone was using the hibernation pod. They opened it up and found a woman was inside. They then learned that her crew had also gotten stranded. Eventually everything was worked out. The group found a way to fix their ship and left the planet. Then Quitterie noticed something odd after all the crew donated blood to help Polina. Now she wants to study everyone’s blood.

Shall we watch the new episode? Let’s see what Quitterie finds out and discovers. I wonder what else will happen in this episode? Zack discovered that Quitterie and Funicia are the same person. What does this all mean? How will this play out? Everyone has discovered that they are clones of their parents. But where does Aries fit into this? The parents are now having a meeting.

I wonder what will take place in this meeting. So the parents set up the whole thing from the start and they made sure their clones would disappear. Then there would be no bodies or anything because they already knew about them being clones. So Kanata and the others have decided to go home and then get revenge. They have decided to get back at their parents for what they have done. Kanata is asking all the crew members how they are doing. After learning the truth about their parents and their plan of trying to kill them. 

Quitterie and Zack have announced they are engaged to the whole crew. Now everyone is really happy and excited for them. They had a small party to celebrate the great and amazing news. Now they only have one more stop to make before they finally return home. What will happen in the next episode? Alright guys this is the end of this review please come back for the next one. Stay safe everyone and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see all of you in the next review and au revoir for now. 

Astra Lost In Space (Review #8)

Alright guys it’s time for another review of this anime, are you ready? Last time the group found another ship that’s just like theirs. Then they entered the ship and found that someone was using the hibernation pod. It turned out to be a woman, but is she friend or foe? The woman made a comment about wanting to go home to Earth. What will the crew think or make of this? They may have found a way out of their predicament and just maybe they can go home.

Let’s see if they can make the impossible possible. So they were able to make the old parts of the other ship work with the current ship. Now they can leave the current planet soon hopefully, but I have a feeling something might happen in that little amount of time. Call it a hunch and let’s see if I am right or wrong about what might happen next.

They found the area where their new crewmate last got a signal from her old crewmates and then they found out what happened to them. Almost ending up the way they did if they hadn’t been warned by their new crew member. What will happen next and what else awaits them in the next episode? Alright I am going to leave the review at this. Stay safe everyone and keep watching anime and keep reading manga. I will see you all in the next review and au revoir for now.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #7)

Hey guys, sorry about this review being late. I was having computer issues which have been fixed recently and there has been a lot going on in my life. Which are things I can’t discuss but it’s put a lot of stress on me and it’s been affecting me physically. I feel like I have also lost my passion somewhere in all that chaos that’s my life right now. I have been doing art trying to use it as an outlet. It has helped immensely and I am getting back to how I used to be but things have definitely changed. Please be patient with me once more I am trying to put back all the broken pieces as best as I can. I am human and we do break occasionally and we just need time to get better again.

Other than that shall we get into this late review? Charce is another transfer student. Coincidence? Charce goes into his backstory and tells how he became a transfer student. The spaceship that they are using now, can no longer fly. What is next for this group and how will they come out of it? The planet they are on now will be their new home. The spaceship can no longer travel in space but it can fly on the current planet. How will the group survive now if they can’t make it home?

Another ship has been found and it’s just like the current one, but this time someone is using the hibernation pod. Who could it be and are they dangerous and friend or foe? I will leave it at that please come back for the next review of this anime. Alright guys stay safe and keep watching anime and reading manga. I will see all of you in the next review au revoir for now.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #6)

It’s another day so that means another review of this anime. Yesterday’s episode left off with a huge cliffhanger. Today I hope there will be more answers and not more questions. Let’s get into today’s episode and review. Ulgar is looking for revenge for his brother because he was writing a story on Luca’s father. That’s why he is holding a gun to Luca’s head. He also said that he wasn’t the assassin either. That is one question answered. But the assassin is still out there or among them and just who is it? A huge bomb just went off and I’m like in shock over here. Luca is a girl and a guy!? What!? On top of that he is adopted? Wow. I wasn’t expecting this at all and now I’m really glad I decided to watch this anime.

This anime is so interesting and different and I like it so far. I wonder what will happen next? Ulgar has decided to follow in his brothers footsteps and become a journalist. After escaping the island when it got hit by a tsunami. Then Luca and Ulgar had to be rescued by Kanata. Now there is something suspicious going on with Charce because Aries doesn’t remember him being in her class.

Well that is the end of the episode and review. Please come back again for the next one after this. Alright guys there is still some answered questions. I wonder if we’re getting close to solving the assassin mystery and who is it? Well guys keep watching anime and stay cool also don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Au revoir for now and till next time catch all of you guys on the flip side.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #5)

Welcome to another review of this anime. I won’t lie I actually like this one better than Are You Lost?. This one the characters are better developed and have more to their back stories. They also have their own shares of struggles that are relatable in real life. Also not to mention the mystery and then a little romance. Maybe I just like my little bit of romance in anime it just makes me happy. Also I like to be able to ship some characters together. Anyways let us get into this anime review.

Yunhua who wants to be a singer and the member that ran off in the last episode. Well she asked Luca to give her a haircut and now she looks totally different, but I like the new look. Aries mom is starting to worry and was hoping that she sent some new mail but she hasn’t. Now the news is also reporting them missing, and I wonder if they know the communicator is broken?

The parents are having a meeting and Ulgar’s dad wants to declare them legally dead. As the search for them has been suspended. Aries mom is fighting to continue the search but this time search space. She explains the boats engines were never activated. Also she said they wouldn’t have swam out into the ocean with all their luggage. Ultimately they decided they couldn’t get any further and agreed to stop searching completely. Leaving Aries mom in tears and crying because she’s upset.

There might be a possible romance budding I hope it works out. I’ve already been shipping them together and they would make a really cute couple. I am talking about Aries and Kanata. Problems are starting to begin now. Ulgar has Luca at gun point. I wonder what Ulgar knows about Luca that he isn’t telling anyone else? Is Ulgar the person who broke the communicator? So many questions I wonder what will happen next in the next episode.

Alright guys with the end of the episode that means the review is at its end. We only have 7 episodes left and it leaves me wondering how things will play out. As we get to the end of this anime. Well guys keep watching anime stay safe and au revoir for now. Till next time I will catch all of you on the flip side.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #3)

I am back with another review of this anime and the mystery is deepening more and I am curious to see who the culprit is. I hope everyone is doing good today and let us get into this new review of this anime. I am curious to see what happens in today’s episode. Is it me or does Aries bear a resemblance to the Aries from Fairy Tail?

Aries in this anime her mannerisms are much like the Fairy Tail version unless it’s just me. I will add that watching the dubbed version of this anime is different. The captain is trying to find who the culprit that is responsible for breaking the communicator. Will the captain find the person and hold them responsible? Got some very new and interesting developments and now that everyone knows. I wonder how this shocking news will play into everything now and how will everyone adjust?

The crew almost faced death but with seconds to spare they were able to save themselves from dying. I won’t lie I was getting nervous that they wouldn’t make it and would die. But then that would end the anime right there, wouldn’t it? Then there is a member of the crew that is hiding something, is he possibly the killer? Was he the one that ultimately broke the communicator so no one could come rescue them? I am very curious to see what happens in the next episode and see what new evidence comes to light in this anime. Anyways that is it for this anime review. Please come back for the next one and until then keep watching anime. Stay cool my friends and au revoir and catch all of you on the flipside.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #2)

Here we are with another review of this anime and I am excited to get into this anime as it’s rather growing on me. So let’s get into this review and see what happens today in this episode. In the last episode, they made a plan to jump from planet to planet until they can get home. Let’s see if all goes right today and they can do what they need to do. In this episode, we did have a little drama and then a fight happened and then the little sister of a character almost gotten eaten. But luckily she was saved by the captain but he to almost died if it weren’t for the little sister’s older sister coming to his rescue. Then a new mystery has started to unfold and someone broke the communicator. It wasn’t damaged but someone recently cut the wires so it was done by someone on the ship. Who could it be? I do have a few guesses as who it might be but I will know more once I watch more of this anime. As to what I think of this anime right now I am liking it even more. It’s fun to watch some of the characters have fun and enjoy themselves but also have some seriousness and danger and can’t forget the mystery as well. What are your guesses on who might be the culprit? If you are watching along with me and remember if you watched it don’t spoil it for others (more or less it’s for me as I like a good mystery now and then.) Let me know in the comments who you think it is. Well, guys till next time stay cool/warm and au revoir. Also, keep up with the manga and anime. I will see all of you guys in the next review. See you then.


Side Note: If you are new to my blog and wonder why I don’t say what I am planning to watch is because even I don’t know. Sometimes I just pick a random anime and decide to do a review on it. If I don’t like it then at least you know I am being honest and if I love it then I am still honest. I will always be straight on how I feel and like an anime and that’s why I started this blog.

Astra Lost In Space (Review #1)

While looking for animes to watch awhile back I found this one and it looked really good and possibly be something that I am into. Only wish it were connected to the Gundam series (I know I am weird but I do love my Gundam series). Alright this anime is new to me so let’s get started with this first review of this anime. As I began to watch this anime it had a little nod to a Hollywood movie (that aired a few years ago but I know the manga of this anime has probably been around for awhile) (As far as I know right?). Then the voice actor who plays Aries Spring I think she voiced Lacus in Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny. I will have to look into that because if I am right then I will probably like this anime (even though I already do I will like it even more). Also Aries sort of reminds me of Aries from Fairy Tail or is that just me? I mean Aries in this anime is more human like and where the horns would go is where this character has her hair accesory. Or am I imagining things? Then there is the guy who automatically wants to be captain but the other members at first don’t want him to be. Then after him helping another and rallying everyone together (with the help of Aries). He also tells a story from when he was in middle school of how his teacher was lost. It was then that it was up to him and they were out in the middle of nowhere. Everyone ended up making it out alive but it was a true test of survival. Another thing to is the captain he reminds me of another character but from Bleach. Maybe it’s just me after all I don’t know lol. Well guys stay cool/warm and au revoir for now. I will see all of you guys in the next review so stay tuned for more reviews of this anime.

Mahoutsukai no Yome (Review #3)

Hello everyone! I am back with yet another review of this anime. Honestly being three episodes in so far I am loving it. I like that it’s different. Growing up I was always into fantasy and one of my favorite book series has dragons in it. I don’t know I’m weird and just love dragons even to this day. Guess I just find them rather cool. Anyways back to the review and let’s get this started.

I am watching episode three today and I will make a review of it and let me know what you think in the comments. So sit back and grab a cup or something to drink. Maybe also raid the kitchen while you are in there. Then kick back and enjoy this review.

Chise saw the land of the dragons and met an old dragon named Nevin and also met Echos. She got to play with some dragon hatchlings and then get to know Nevin a little more. He went through her memories and then apologized and then he shared his final dream with her. He gave her insight into flying like was in the sky and told her that her name means bird. That she needs to learn to fly and then the dream ended. He slowly turned into a tree. It was a little sad for me to see him become a tree even if the main character didn’t weap all that much, not even a tear. One last thing is that Elias mentioned a honeymoon and then Chise made a comment. “I thought you weren’t being serious” or something like that but I find it cool that he wants to marry her though. Being three episodes in I give this anime a good rating and looking forward to seeing what happens next.

Well, that is it for this review so be sure to come back for the next one in this series of reviews. Until then hang ten and stay cool/warm and don’t eat too many snacks and until the next one au revoir for now.

Mahoutsukai no Yome (Review #2)

I am here with another review of this anime and I will be watching the second episode. I recently found the Dub so I am curious. I am hoping they did a good job on the Dub if not back to the Sub version. I am glad you all could join me. I have been very busy with college and just started a new job. So, I will be even busier than I am now and with that, this might be the only time to catch up on anime and reviews that I have been wanting to do. Alright sit back and get ready for this review and thank you again for joining me on this ride.

In the second episode, we get to meet Silky who happens to be a neighbor and a fairy. She does the cooking and cleaning and laundry so an unofficial maid of sorts I guess you could say. Well, I have been corrected by the show itself she is a landlady, not a maid or servant. I love it when shows correct me lol usually this doesn’t happen but it must have known what I was thinking. So it could correct me itself. A mystery has appeared and what is the secret of Chise and her powers? Elias said she is a Sleigh Beggy I wonder what is the extent of her powers? So many questions let’s see what happens. The show has ended with Chise being kidnapped by a dragon and maybe a ruler of dragons.

I hope you enjoyed this review and I had a lot of fun watching and writing this review. Be sure to come back for the next review of this anime. So, guys hang ten and stay cool/warm and until my next review au revoir for now.