More than a Married Couple, but Not Lovers

Hello Everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend so far and hope Sunday is just as good. Hate to say it but tomorrow is Monday and a work day for me. I am sad.

By the way I was surprised that Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury ended the way it did. They ended it with a cliffhanger -_-. Now I have to wait till possibly April for the second season to release *sigh*.

So I found this anime on Crunchyroll and thought I would give it a watch and a chance and see what it’s all about.

Honestly I am liking it so far and will probably finish it.

You have the main guy who runs into this girl but the catch is he doesn’t like her and she doesn’t like him. She wants to be paired up with someone else and so does he. So they are working on getting to a certain rank and then changing partners.

This is a school assignment and if they don’t complete it then they wont be able to graduate. So this project the school randomly pairs up a guy and a girl and they have to act like a married couple. If they act negatively or don’t get along they lose points. If they are couple like and get along they gain points.

The main guy wants to be partnered with his childhood best friend and his first love and she wants to be partnered with a hot guy she has a crush on.

Alright let’s get into episode two.

While Jiro who is our main character guy is cleaning the bathroom he falls ill. Watanabe sends Shiori to his rescue and to help him get better. Which comes to a shock to Jiro who was not expecting her. He also thought Watanabe might be coming home early but she didn’t. Watanabe then wakes Jiro up from his slumber and wants him to watch a horror movie late at night. Then the power gets knocked out and Watanabe gets scared and jumps on Jiro. Oh yeah Jiro is also a virgin. Shiori and her partner and ranked as an E rank and Jiro and Watanabe are a B rank. A flashback to when Shiori and Jiro were little and in middle school. Jiro was going to confess to Shiori and that he loved her and then she asked if they would always be friends. Then Jiro gives Shiori advice and tells her that she can make a great wife. Jiro then tells Watanabe that he will be the best husband and help things work out between Shiori’s partner. This leaves her feeling angry for some reason. Is she falling for Jiro?

Next episode which is episode three.

Watanabe is wanting to make Shiori’s partner lunch and take it to him. Watanabe wants another kiss but they are interrupted by Shiori. Then Shiori tells Jiro and Watanabe that her partner requested apple pie. Then it puts her into a bad mood. Watanabe then tries to put the moves onto Jiro. Which leads to a downfall into their unofficial marriage. Shiori then has a talk with Jiro about Watanabe and tells him to talk to her. He knocks on her door and then proceeds to apologize and he wants to go back to normal again. Now they are back to being a married couple. Watanabe admits to liking Jiro. But what does this spell out for Shiori’s partner that she has a crush on? Guess we will see what happens in the next episode.

So my internet went down and I just finished watching this series. I used my phone lol. Don’t mind the typo and grammar errors. Anyways this anime was really good and I am sad there will be no more episodes. I won’t spoil the ending. So you will have to watch it to find out. I might read the manga later we’ll see. If I do I’ll let you know. This anime pulled at my heart strings.

It also had me laughing and sometimes I wanted to look away. But I couldn’t because it was good. Like when you have the oh no moments and want to look away. Yeah I had a few of those while watching. But I finished this anime and loved it.

It was definitely different from others that I have watched. Anyways you can find this anime on Crunchyroll. Please watch responsibly. If you want to know how it all ends then watch it and find out. When you want to watch anime please use Crunchyroll for all your needs. They are legitimate and not illegal. I will admit I am a subscriber to their service for the premium service. It’s less than $13.00 a month. I get ad free anime and I love it! At least for US users. This blog and podcast are not sponsored or affiliated to Crunchyroll.

Anyways hope you have a good rest of your Sunday and be safe. Hope Monday won’t be crazy for everyone either. Alright guys don’t do anything crazy. Catch you all on the flipside. Till next time au revoir everyone!

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou (Podcast Version)

I found this anime when I moseying around YouTube and well I was a little bored and saw someone featuring top ten animes. This anime happened to be on that list and I also seen it an AMV (Anime or Animated Music Video). It really caught my attention and knew it had to be something that I needed to watch. So you guys get to read my reviews on this anime.

This is the part where you are jumping for joy. Let’s get into this I have been waiting for the day to waste away so then I could watch this anime. While relaxing in bed. Okay so this is quite funny lol and I am laughing can’t wait to see the next episode. I also like the ending theme.

In this episode we meet all the main characters and if you want their names then watch the anime. So our main guy, Sorata lives in Sakurasou. Which happens to be a place for problem children. His teacher, Chihiro. Well she asks him to pick up Mashiro who is her cousin. Then they meet and she asks Sorata a weird question which he answers. He then asks her the same question and she answers it.

Sorata thinks that Mashiro doesn’t belong in the Sakurasou dorms, but later finds out that she is definitely in the right place. If you want more answers then watch the anime.

Time for another review of this anime. I am really interested to see what happens in the second episode. Ready to jump in? Let’s do this!

Haha Sorata has been put in charge of Mashiro in other words Mashiro duty lol. I really like the opening theme it’s really good! Unlike Honey and Clover this one doesn’t scare me haha lol. Omg Sorata is complaining about how hard he had to work to housebreak Mashiro. As Misaki told her that Sorata liked it when she doesn’t wear much clothing. He then has to fix the mess she made and has no time for breakfast. Alright I am dying haha. If you want to know why then watch the anime.

Aoyama has fled the scene. Leaving Sorata and Mashiro behind. Now Mashiro is visiting Sorata in his class. She then tells him that she is going to go home by herself. He then freaks out a little, and causes everyone in his class to think that they are dating. Or at least that is what I am thinking that they are thinking. If that makes sense lol. Mashiro now confronts him and things are getting interesting lol.

Now here we are and it’s a beautiful scene not really lol, but it is hilarious haha. Omg another scene that I am dying with laughter from. So I want to let you guys know that this anime is not for little kiddies. If there are kids in your home do not watch while they are there or awake. I definitely would not let my kids watch this (good thing I don’t have any yet. Maybe someday lol.) and for good reason.

Okay so I am going to end this review here. I am really enjoying this anime and it is hilarious. Although I wouldn’t watch it while kids are around whether they are there and awake. If they are asleep you might be able to get away with it lol. Until my next blog/review keep reading manga, and watching anime. Stay cool guys and girls, and remember not to watch this anime around kids.

In the last episode we left off on when things were getting interesting, and then Sorata finds out more about Mashiro. He then realizes that she is on a whole other level than some of the other students in the Sakurasou dorms. What did he find out? Well you will have to watch the anime to get that answer.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I am having some difficulties with my other laptop. So I am back to using my dinosaur of a laptop while I try and get the other one fixed. Hopefully this won’t disrupt me from posting on my blog. Anyways let’s get to today’s episode, and I am going to try and not worry about my laptop.

Sorata is stuck on knowing who Mashiro is and her history. As of right now Mashiro is drawing a shoujo manga and that is all I am going to say. If you absolutely need and have to know watch the anime. It’s totally worth it. Seems like a few other people in the Sakurasou dorms are getting a little tired of Sorata’s “I’m leaving” act. Especially Jin, and he is offering Sorata a chance to leave. As he will take care of Mashiro and his cats. So what will he do?

Sorata then yells at Jin that he is going to leave and find owners for the cats. Hmm very interesting. Omg this is so funny. One of the other dorm members Akasaka is hacking Sorata’s computer. As he was about to ask a question and then they responded to the question before he asked. Then Akasaka put “Lol.” so they are literally laughing their butts off in the room next to his. Haha Sorata then says that’s even worse lol I am dying!

Ooooo Sorata is angry and proceeds to punch Jin, but then he punches back and knocks poor Sorata out cold. It seems like Sorata has come at a crossroad, so what will he do?

In my last blog I left off at where Sorata was at a crossroads and at the end he decided. What is his answer? Well you know me and I am going to say watch it and find out what he said. I am really liking this anime it’s definitely different from all the other anime’s that I have watched. I know I say that a lot, but it’s true. Often times I seek out anime that catches my attention, and or they are simply oddballs.

They can also be old anime’s to. I like dabbling in any anime that catches my attention. At this point I am sure that I can make a guide to finding good anime. Just kidding. I may watch a lot of anime and I am a writer, but I don’t want to write a guide book lol. So let’s see what happens in episode number 4, shall we? It seems like Sorata is really leaving Sakurasou. Now there are only two cats left, and I am wondering if he will end up staying or leaving? Hmm I am sniffing out a plot twist and I think it’s coming soon.

Mashiro wrote on paper (a Japanese Holiday or something on that line. Where you hang notes that have your wishes written on them, and then you hang them on a bamboo tree. Sorry I don’t know a whole lot about Japanese holidays, festivals, and their festivities.) about Sorata’s wish. He then later realizes what she meant by his wish, as her manager (for the manga) intervenes and shows him. Sorata then runs out of the shop that they were in and hurries back to Sakurasou dorms.

The end of episode 4 was amazing and so beautiful and we finally have Sorata’s decision, but you will have to watch to find out. I can tell it’s going to be another late night of me watching anime. I just can’t get enough! Lol. I knew that there was going to be a plot twist, and I could just tell.

I was right on the mark with that plot twist, and something like that was going to happen. If it didn’t happen then the anime (and I think there is a manga would be over.) would be done for. Now let us get onto episode 5! I am rather excited and eager to start this episode. I’m gone I have died from laughing so much. I really love how this anime is giving me so much joy and entertainment. So happy and glad that I am watching this.

Now to see what happens next lol. I am sure that I am probably going to die. Leave it to Mashiro to put a watermelon in the microwave haha. RIP I have died from laughing to much haha.

Things were quite funny and interesting. Aoyama has moved into Sakurasou and for her own reasons. Now let us see what happens in episode 6. I am going to start it now, because I am looking forward to it. Also I am excited as well to see what laughs are in store for me today. It seem Mashiro might prefer Sorata over Aoyama in helping her with daily life things. This is very interesting. Something is going to happen I just can tell. Well let’s see if I am right.

Yep something happened Aoyama flunked her voice acting gig and Sorata forgot to go with Mashiro to buy her manga that she did on it’s release date. Now it’s raining and Aoyama is apologizing to Sorata. Well this episode was good and Sorata has been put back on Mashiro duty.

Well I am here to do yet another anime review for this series that I have been watching as of late. Hopefully good and more funny things will happen in this anime. So let’s get started! That is sure a pretty tree and rather inspiring hmmm maybe I will make a painting of it. Who knows lol. Sorata’s sister has come for a visit and he ends up chasing Mashiro right in front of the door. He then ends up slipping on a banana and they collide. I wonder who put that banana there? Then Sorata sees his sister and she is overwhelmed at the sight of Mashiro being naked.

The bath tub broke when Mashiro got out and so there was a river in the hall. Sorata then had to fix it. Omg. I am literally frozen and I am dying with laughter on the inside. I think I have lost all my laughs, because of this anime lol. Aoyama, Mashiro and Sorata’s sister all went out on a date with him. Misaki is missing from the picture, but she is off getting her license. Aoyama and Sorata end up losing Mashiro and his sister, but ends up finding them at the end of the day.

Sorata’s sister then tells him that she is applying to Sui High School and is going to live with him. This could end up being a disaster in the making and who knows what will happen next. I find that this anime can be a little unpredictable sometimes, but that is one thing that I like about it.

In episode 7, and where I left off in my last blog we got to see Aoyama, Mashiro, and Sorata’s sister go out on a date with Sorata. Which Sorata ends up losing Mashiro and his little sister, but later finds them. Now that I am done with the memory refresher let’s get into this anime. So it seems like Sorata has gotten some mail. I wonder what it is? Hmmmm. Well Sorata has gotten some very good news he has passed the first round in a game contest that he entered. He finally decided on his career and so he entered his game that he made into that contest.

Mashiro is now asking about love, but Sorata can see that she doesn’t want to learn about Koi (they are fish). Aoyama then sees that Mashiro has gone into Sorata’s room again, and then he kicks them all out as Misaki decided to pop in. Awww Mashiro has given Sorata a victory charm. That is so incredibly adorable! This little moment was so sweet and it melted my heart! Here comes the big meeting with all kinds of big wigs. Scary. I hope he passes this with flying colors.

Sorata has met his role model the one who inspired him to become a gamer. Hmm it seems like his meeting didn’t go very well. Aww his game didn’t make the cut. I guess everyone in Sakurasou dorms is going to throw Aoyama a welcoming party. Mostly it’s to cheer up Sorata since the meeting did not go well for him

In my last review of this anime they were throwing Aoyama a welcoming party, and it was also to help cheer up Sorata. It seems like the swimming welcoming party went swimmingly. Omg everyone thought Jin got permission to use the pool, but he didn’t cause they wouldn’t give it to him anyways. So now they are running lol. Alright now let us get into this review for episode 9.

So Sorata has awoken to Mashiro and Misaki drawing on his wall, but not just any drawing it’s Misaki’s anime that she has been holding close to her heart. Now Sorata is late for school. Some of the other students are saying things about Aoyama and Sorata and rumors are spreading. What will they do? Omg Sorata almost got ran over by a hearse on his way home, and then he stepped in an open gutter. On top of that he got scratched by a black cat that just happened to be there.

This is hilarious lol and it’s so funny! Just priceless! I mean poor Sorata for having such bad luck. Looks like someone is visiting the Sakurasou dorms. Very interesting. *smooths beard* Wait, I don’t have a beard lol. I guess I’ll just rub my chin instead haha. The person that came to visit used to know Mashiro. She has come to take Mashiro back to England, but she doesn’t want to go. Since Sorata has helped her out now Mashiro sees him as an enemy and keeps calling him stupid.

So Sorata says that Mashiro should go back to the art world as he has seen one of her paintings. I wonder how things will play out?

In my last review of this anime they were throwing Aoyama a welcoming party, and it was also to help cheer up Sorata. It seems like the swimming welcoming party went swimmingly. Omg everyone thought Jin got permission to use the pool, but he didn’t cause they wouldn’t give it to him anyways. So now they are running lol. Alright now let us get into this review for episode 9.

So Sorata has awoken to Mashiro and Misaki drawing on his wall, but not just any drawing it’s Misaki’s anime that she has been holding close to her heart. Now Sorata is late for school. Some of the other students are saying things about Aoyama and Sorata and rumors are spreading. What will they do? Omg Sorata almost got ran over by a hearse on his way home, and then he stepped in an open gutter. On top of that he got scratched by a black cat that just happened to be there.

This is hilarious lol and it’s so funny! Just priceless! I mean poor Sorata for having such bad luck. Looks like someone is visiting the Sakurasou dorms. Very interesting. *smooths beard* Wait, I don’t have a beard lol. I guess I’ll just rub my chin instead haha. The person that came to visit used to know Mashiro. She has come to take Mashiro back to England, but she doesn’t want to go. Since Sorata has helped her out now Mashiro sees him as an enemy and keeps calling him stupid.

In the last review I did Sorata said to Rita (who is Mashiro’s best friend from England) that Mashiro should go back to the art world. So I am really curious to see in this episode on what happens. How will this play into things? Anyways let’s get this episode started!

It seems like Rita-san has something up her sleeve, but what it is I have no clue. Just hoping it won’t be to bad. Well it seems like there is now drama in the air and Rita is spilling it all on Mashiro. She is telling her that she mowed everyone down at the school where she studied. Then she taught Mashiro how to do manga in hopes that critics would tear her down. So then Mashiro could feel at least half of what they did, but then she became a huge hit.

I think Rita-san is jealous and angry. Awww I am really feeling for Mashiro right now and it hurts my heart to see her like this. I think I am going to cry. Here come the waterworks. Well they are now patching things over and it’s a beautiful scene I must say. Omg Aoyama is crying, because of this scene that part is a bit funny lol. Well that was a good episode.

So we left off at the part on where Mashiro and Rita-san were patching things up as best friends, and Aoyama was crying due to the scene she was witnessing. Now let us begin the next episode. It is finally the cultural festival and now to see what happens next. It seems Sorata is really smitten for Mashiro, but will he let her go back to Europe without saying anything?

Well that was a surprise he wants to add to the game “the power of love” and he got laughed at and I am laughing as well lol. Awwww Mashiro wants Sorata to stay with her until she sleeps this is so cute! That was a very good episode and things are getting very good. I just wonder how everything will end. Will everything fall into place as exactly as it should be? Hmmm this defenitly got me interested.

In my last review we left off where Mashiro wanted Sorata to stay with her until she falls asleep. I really can’t wait to see what happens today! Hopefully nothing that will make me cry. As I am not in the mood for crying today. Well let’s get into this episode, shall we? Aww Sorata was going to say something, but Mashiro had fallen asleep.

I wonder what he was going to say? Hmm. Omg this so crazy! I am totally involved and hyped lol. Did I ever mention that I play video games? Honestly if this game or something similar to it existed. Well I would definetly want to buy, because it’s so cool! Mashiro then yells thank you, but then Sorata then tells her “No, Thank You Mashiro” this is so cute. I wonder what will happen next? Well Sakurasou’s game was a huge hit and everyone in the crowd is cheering like crazy.

Now that the Cultural Festival is over, what will happen next? Will Mashiro go back to Europe or stay? Well there goes the crew so then they can stop Mashiro from leaving.

In the last review the gang was on their way to stop Mashiro from going back to Europe (or England). We are at a scene where Sorata is hugging Mashiro and it has finally happened. I have been waiting for this. Okay so let’s get into this new episode review I have for you guys. I am hoping that my blog post haven’t been getting to boring lately. I am really trying to my best so if you have advice then please don’t be afraid to tell me. Back onto the topic at hand.

I think Mashiro has fallen in love with Sorata and things are about to get interesting. Well a lot of things are happening in this anime today. Mashiro wants to learn to cook for Sorata, and ends up cutting her finger. Then Sorata meets up with her editor, and then he also get’s news about his new game. Which isn’t good at all. He then sees Mashiro in her cooking outfit and gets angry. So now there is some drama going on. Seems like the drama won’t be resolved until the next episode.

Last time there was some unresolved drama so let us see what happens in this episode today. I am really curious to see if this drama gets resolved and who Sorata ends up spending his holiday with. Honestly I hope he chooses Mashiro and not Aoyama. I’m sorry but I really ship Mashiro and Sorata lol over Aoyama and Sorata.

Omg this episode was explosive! Aoyama and Sorata went on a date well it was to her, but not him. Sorata then got a phone call from Mashiro’s editor and told him that she had disappeared. He almost thought she had gotten into an accident, but found her at the fountain. She then had a something for him, and of course he ate it. Sorata then told her not to walk outside barefoot.

He then confessed to her (at least I think he did lol) and Aoyama was there for all of it. So now she knows that Sorata has fallen for Mashiro. Even if she had confessed her feeling he would still love Mashiro.

Last time we got a confession from Sorata to Mashiro, Aoyama witnessed and heard it all. Which at that point she knew that he had fallen for Mashiro. Now I wonder what will come from this episode? Well let’s get into it, shall we? Oh no it seems like things didn’t go well for Misaki. I wonder what happened between her and Jin? Hopefully we will find out.

A lot things went on between Mashiro and Aoyama as he, and the gang went with him home as they couldn’t stay at Sakurasou. As the teacher wasn’t there and in the next episode we are going to see Sorata’s presentation. Also Mashiro helped him out by doing a drawing for him. We also got see Sorata have a conversation between his dad. At first I thought his dad was to tough and macho, but he seems to be a really good man.

Which I found that to be rather adorable. So hopefully Sorata’s presentation goes good without a hitch. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him like they did in his last presentation.

A lot of things happened in the last episode. We got to see Sorata and his dad have a conversation. Also some good things went good between Mashiro and Sorata, and so did some things for Aoyama. I wonder what kind of plot twist will be thrown at me next. I can only imagine. Well let us get on with episode 16.

It seems like Mashiro is feeling some anxiety as Sorata is helping Aoyama with her script. Aoyama is thinking of confessing to Sorata, but she is trying to wait to see if she passes her audition or not. Well we shall see, won’t we? So tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, but before that Sorata’s sister has come back to town. She is going to take the exams at Sui High School to see if she gets in.

Before she left to go and take her exams she asked who was it going to be Mashiro or Aoyama and told him to not be so indecisive before she left. Then she said that was a message from their dad. Who will Sorata pick?

So today happens to be Valentine’s Day and I couldn’t have planned this any better than I possibly could. In the last episode we had Sorata’s sister ask who was it going to be. Mashiro or Aoyama? Which that was a message from their father as that is what she said when going to her exams. Now that we are here, what will happen in episode 17? Let us get on with the show.

Aoyama just confessed to Sorata, how will he react? Although I think that he is in love with Mashiro though. Awww I am thinking Sorata is finally getting the picture now, and hopefully he feels bad for not being there for Mashiro. Omg! Mashiro just asked Sorata to hold his hand, and he also liked the chocolates he got from her to. I am going to faint from so much excitement!

This is the most romantic anime that I have ever seen and I am so happy that I found this anime. It’s really making my heart melt like crazy! I might just die lol not really haha, but I could.

In the last episode Mashiro asked to hold Sorata’s hand. Which he ended up doing and it was so touching! So I am very excited to see what happens in this episode, and because of that I am going to jump in right now. Omg it seems like Jin might be proposing to Misaki! What will become of this? I really want to know lol.

So Misaki is scared to see Jin as she is afraid that she will say something mean to him. Then Jin is saying that she isn’t going to come so who knows what the outcome will be. I really want to know lol, and so the plot thickens even more than it was before. OMG! OMG! I am sorry for exclamations points and the two omg’s, but Jin just gave her a ring so it’s like an engagement and it’s melting my heart!

In the last episode we got to see Jin and Misaki’s engagement which was very beautiful. It really melted my heart! Now I am much looking forward to this episode that I am going to watch today. As I am eager and ready to go and watch this episode let’s get into it. Oh no Sakurasou is going to be demolished. That is not a good sign, but it is a plot twist that much I can say. Hmm I wonder what will become of this new development.

Sorata is having a flashback to when he was first sent to Sakurasou, as he had planned to move back when he found the cat he picked up a home. Yet he never did and now that Sakurasou is getting demolished. Everyone in that dorm is sad and don’t want to leave it to get demolished. As they like it there. Sorata’s flashback to when he was meeting everyone for the first time it’s quite funny.

He went out to the park and now he sees a cat. So Sorata is going to pick up yet another cat haha. Well everyone is going to try and save Sakurasou so they are going to stop it from getting demolished. As it is home to all that live there.

In the last episode everyone that lives at Sakurasou has gotten news that the dorms are going to get demolished. No one wants to give them a good reason as to why it’s getting demolished. So now that we had a little recap let’s get into episode 20. Wow I can’t believe that after I watch this episode. I will only have a few more to go until I am done with this series. Now I am sad. Anyways let’s get back to it now.

So Aoyama got her results back and she didn’t make it so that means that she is going home. I wonder what will happen next? Please let it not be anything to bad. Omg it looks like Sakurasou might just get saved after all. Also it’s a little hard to see Aoyama pushing herself so hard. Even after the news that she got. If I were in her shows I would be heartbroken. So I feel for her, but I still ship Mashiro and Sorata together lol.

Ryuunosuke has also helped out everyone also as he finally found friends that won’t leave him, and they also won’t betray them.

In the last episode Ryuunosuke and everyone finally came together so then they can save Sakurasou from being demolished. So let us get into episode 21. Well it looks like everyone’s time at Sakurasou is coming to an end. I wonder what will happen. Will Mashiro move away? What will happen? Aoyama all of a sudden just started crying in the middle of class. So Sorata told the teacher that she wasn’t feeling well and took her to the nurses office.

I think Sorata has officially broke. Now Aoyama has finally cracked or so I think. I’m not to sure yet. She is standing in the rain by a tree and is crying. Well now they are both crying in the rain, because of all the hard work they did. Mashiro is watching all of this. I want to know what is going through her mind right now. Aoyama is saying that she is ugly after all that crying, but then Sorata tells her that she is rather cute.

Well that is not good at all. This looks very bad. Sorata broke and said somethings. Then she said it was because that she was there.

In the last episode some things went down and Mashiro is blaming herself as the reason Sakurasou is going to be demolished. In the end Misaki delivers a speech that saves Sakurasou from getting destroyed. Then they all get kicked out and have to stand outside. Which that was pretty funny, and then Misaki and Jin graduate and go their separate ways until he comes back in 4 years. He then gives the marriage license back to Misaki signed.

You know her she couldn’t wait and so now Misaki and Jin are officially married and are living next door to the Sakurasou dorms. Also Sakurasou gained two new members, and just like how Sorata was scared out of his mind when he first came. The time when he met everyone. The guy who is taking the empty room in the boys section literally almost dies, because he got so scared. When he was meeting Sorata and Dragon (his name is hard to remember and also to spell, but luckily he has a nickname.). So Sorata is holding a knife that has fish blood on it.

He also got Aoyama’s help with doing some voice acting on his game. So now it sounds like someone is getting murdered. The guy is totally freaked and runs outside and meets Dragon. Who just happens to be cutting the grass so he has a scythe in his hand. Scaring the guy even more then he already was. Then he ends up meeting Mashiro, and she proceeds to tell him to take off his clothes. So then she can paint him in the painting. I have to admit that part was pretty hilarious lol. Well the girl just sat there and stared.

As I watched all the episodes this is my final review for this series. I really enjoyed this anime a lot and I am so glad that I decided to watch it. There were so many jokes that gave me a good laugh. Sometimes to the point of where I was almost dying. Then it also had it’s romantic moments that just melted my heart, and got me excited.

As this anime was simply amazing and loved every second and minute of it. I give this anime a high recommendation, as it also has it’s dramatic moments. In this anime there are 24 episodes, and I highly recommend that you watch it when you can. So I will wrap things up here. Until next time keep reading manga, and watching anime. Remember to stay cool my friends and au revoir for now.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (Review)

This is not a new review of this anime!

I just combined all the reviews of this anime to make it easier when I make it into a episode for the Podcast.

So, I mentioned this anime sometime back and saying that I was going to watch this eventually. Of course, I got busy with college and other things. Now here we are and I am watching this anime and honestly, it’s quite good and I am liking it a lot. When it first came out I watched the first episode in subbed, but then I went to a different anime until this one got done airing.

What can be anything better than child soldiers? I have no clue and like I said I am liking this anime and I am still learning more as I go along. It seems like it has a lot of potential to be a good anime, and so I will watch the next episode. Excuse me while I go and do that lol, and I recommend that you guys give this anime a try.

A lot of things happened in today’s episode and it blew my mind. We see Mikazuki piloting a Gundam Mobile Suit. Which I have to say is very new and unique Gundam Frame in which no has yet seen. I honestly have to commend Sunrise for coming up with this Gundam Frame named, Barbatos. It’s definitely different from all the other shows in this series.

When I look at Barbato it does remind me a little bit of Setsuna F. Seiei Gundam Frame but a little newer and more cutting edge. I must admit though that Setsuna’s was more better at least in technologically speaking. Come on I found the 00 Raiser to be pretty amazing at least in my opinion anyways.

This episode of Iron-Blooded Orphans was good and I might have a theory regarding the story, but you won’t find that out unless my theory is correct. I’d rather be right than wrong lol.

A lot of things are going down in this episode. The kids who work for the company have taken it over. Since two resisted they are now dead especially the leader of the company. We have also have a challenge from the other side.

They want the girl (I forgot her name ^^; oops) and if they comply there will be no fight to the death. As we know they are not going to comply with their demands. Here comes a fight scene that I am eager to watch. Let’s see who wins this death match. Mika won the match and the other guy asked to be killed because he couldn’t end his own life.

Then Orga picked out a new name so they are no longer known as CGS. So we had a lot happen in this episode and I am eager to watch another episode but I will wait till tomorrow.  I am really enjoying this anime so far and I looking forward to see what else is in store for me as I work my way through this anime.

The fight scene was good like I thought it would be but it was rather brief and short. That was only the thing I didn’t like in this episode and like I said it’s really good. 

Well trouble is already brewing a former person who worked with the previous boss.

He is going to try and find a way to use our main characters. Let me say that this will not end well or at least that’s what I think. Well things are getting interesting I wonder what will happen. Will things go up in flames before the mission even starts? Something is going to go down and I have no idea what it is. That is all for this episode review make sure to come back tomorrow for the next one.

I am so curious not to mention excited to see where this anime goes. There were no fight scenes in this episode but I know there will be some soon. I think I liked the last episode a little more as there was fighting. Sorry I like my Gundam fights lol.

In the last episode, Mika and Orga and also the others might be in for a rude awakening. Which could end badly for them all. So what are some dangers lurking in this episode? If you want to know that then your gonna have to watch it yourself.

I wonder what will happen and go down in this episode. Well, guess we’ll see won’t we? Aww, Mika and Aina are sharing a touching moment. It’s rather touching, to be honest. They are talking about the moon and now the company has a new cook. She also happens to like Mika so now we got a love triangle going on. Interesting.

She’s excited to be the new cook lol. I can smell a fight scene is coming up and this time it’s going to happen in space. Who will win? Well, it seems like Mika has already taken out on of the enemies.Orga knew that this was going to happen so he planned ahead. He’s a genius that guy is. I applaud you Orga.

Hold on Mika help is on the way and just in the nick of time, he gets saved. Well, the group is now on their way to Earth they picked up Mika and the other guy. They took out quite a few of the enemy.

In the last episode, the gang got to have a good laugh by sending the enemies the one who betrayed them. They said this one looks like it belongs to you and a guy who is an inspector laughed.

So today is another day and that means I get to watch another episode of this anime. Which I am looking forward to very much. Well let us get into this episode, will you be my guest as I watch this? Let’s get started. Oh, so the guy that they sent to the enemies there was a secret message and meaning.

Very interesting hmm wonder how this will work in the plot.  So this episode is very relaxed I don’t think there will be any fighting but I could be wrong, though. So let us get through this episode.  Well Mika doesn’t know how to read so Aina is willing to teach him. Interesting. That was unexpected the old owner of CGS wants his ship back.

Although that doesn’t look like it’s going to be happening anytime soon and will this effect their mission to take Aina to Earth?

Last time we left off with the President of CGS wanting his ship back. The president of the company had a talk with Orga and the others. A new group has formed a contract with that very president to take everything back from the group. That new group made them an offer, but Orga has decided to decline that offer. I can tell that there is going to be a fight happening very soon. Let’s so who wins that fight and the fate of the group. I feel like I’m watching Gundam Seed but with a different plot and characters. This is so weird and cool at the same time. Ooo this battle is getting good and I wonder who will win? Will it be Mika or the girl? Hmmm very interesting. Well, the battle is over and no one won the battle as the new group has decided to listen to their story. Now I really want to see the next episode lol but I have to wait until tomorrow. I really liked what this episode had to offer me there were some really good fight scenes not to mention drama. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next episode.

The president of the company had a talk with Orga and the others. A new group has formed a contract with that very president to take everything back from the group. That new group made them an offer, but Orga has decided to decline that offer. I can tell that there is going to be a fight happening very soon.

Let’s see who wins that fight and the fate of the group. I feel like I’m watching Gundam Seed but with a different plot and characters. This is so weird and cool at the same time. Ooo this battle is getting good and I wonder who will win? Will it be Mika or the girl? Hmmm very interesting.

Well, the battle is over and no one won the battle as the new group has decided to listen to their story. Now I really want to see the next episode lol but I have to wait until tomorrow. I really liked what this episode had to offer me there were some really good fight scenes not to mention drama. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next episode.

My opinion of this anime so far is that I would recommend it to anyone especially to those who like Mecha anime like me. I would also recommend it those who really like the Gundam series. I have watched a lot of the anime’s in this series and each one is different and unique.

We left off were a big battle took place. Of course no winner was declared as they decided to hear Orga and the others out with their story.

Well Orga was ready to shoot the former president of CGS as he left them behind and his friends were dead because of him. The new group that came into the picture has decided to give their deal some thought.

As they put on a good demonstration. So this episode is more laid back and I am starting to see a pattern. First there are laid back episode and then there is episodes with fighting and drama and then laid back episodes. Very interesting hmmm.

Last time we left off, Orga and the others were headed to the new groups central location. What exactly awaits them there? So it seems that the new group and gang will become brothers. As to what that means exactly I do not know.

Well the guys are partying and having fun that’s always nice to see. It is official Orga and the others are brothers with the new group. Now they are heading to Earth to deliver Aida safely, but little do they know that there is a spy among them. I know who it is and I figured it out before I really got my theory confirmed.

So Mika and the Gundam got left behind as it needs work and to be repaired so he will be catching up with them later. This might end up being another laid back episode.

Although I am not settling on that just quite yet. Aww some of our guys are getting messages from loved ones. That’s really sweet and adorable, just had to add on the love syrup didn’t you directors. Well we have run into the young lady that happened to help Orga when he was sick.

So we get to hear Atra’s backstory and how Mika saved her and get to see a moment between her and Aina. Well we are getting some more backstory’s on the characters and some of them want to make me cry. I have the feels now. Perfect. Just hope no dies in this episode at least not yet.

Hopefully they can hold until Mika get’s there so he can help them and or save them in time. There is a fight scene in progress and who will win I am not sure yet. Mika has saved the day as he got there just in time to save the guys.