Watashi ga Motete Dousunda (Review #3)

This anime review is long overdue and I know it. So, I have decided to continue this anime and finish the reviews I started. I am taking a little break from Gundam and not to mention I did start reviews on this anime months ago. Now I am here to finish the job I started. What job is that exactly? Well my job is simply to watch anime of course I don’t get paid. Yet I sure love my job even if I am not paid for it.

Well let us get into this anime once again, come and join me on this journey.

What will happen in today’s episode? It seems we are going to see a cosplay maid café. I’m rather excited to see this. Honestly, I would like to try and go to one someday I think it would be cool. I have been to a Con before, but since I didn’t cosplay everyone looked at me funny and ignored me.

Shouldn’t The Walking Dead count for something? That show is based off a comic so it should right? Guess it doesn’t matter anyways. One of our main guys in this anime got a lead in a play. Believe it or not he’s going to play the part of a princess.

Now we have a rivalry between two of the boys. OMG there is a Attack of Titan cosplay haha. Should have seen this one coming lol! The guy who is playing the princess just killed me lol it was so funny. Also all the guy’s decided to spilt their time with each other to get time alone with Kae.

Mutsumi got his time with her. He fed her food and then Nanashima got his and took a photo with her. Yuusuke took her to Hayato’s play where he played the princess. He took her hand and held it. Hayato is now taking her to a haunted house and now we shall see what happens next.

Well that is all for this episode so be sure to come back for the next review which might just be released tomorrow. Guess you will just have to wait and see. Until next time keep reading manga and watching anime. Hope all of you have a wonderful day/night where ever you may be. Remember to stay cool my friends, and au revoir for now.