Watashi ga Motete Dousunda (Review #6)

So, it’s another beautiful day and there is some anime to be seen. Alright so today’s episode is weird I am not going to lie. This anime is so unique and different from anything that I have ever seen. At first Kae was into this other character who she was madly in love with. Now it’s a new guy and so that means a new anime that she is following. Doesn’t that sound familiar? Deja vu all over again.

Please pause as the scene you are currently watching is unsightly and terrifying to watch. As they put a very cute orange tabby kitten on the scene. Omg it’s so adorable lol. Well the shipping wars have started and they won’t be stopping anytime soon.

Well Shima made Kae cry as she won the fanfiction duel they had and now she is not going to loose her. That is where we are going to stop for the day. So, be sure to come back tomorrow to see if I release a new review of this anime. Hope all of you have a wonderful day/night wherever you may be. Until next time keep reading manga and watching anime. Remember to stay cool my friends, and au revoir for now.

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